
Dr. Tešić's research project span topics in machine learning and data science for large unstructured imagery, social, health, and sensor data sources. More details on the current projects can be found on DataLab12 page.
2023 Research Narrative


Data-Driven Computational Methods (Ph.D): Fall 2024
Image Processing and Computer Vision (Ph.D.): Spring 2024
Introduction to Machine Learning: Fall 2024
Introduction to Recommender Systems : Fall 2023
Object Oriented Design and Programming: Spring 2023
Machine Learning and Applications (M.Sc.): Fall 2021
2023 Teaching Narrative


2023 Service Narrative

Short Bio

Jelena Tešić is an Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Texas State Unviersity, San Marcos, Texas, USA. From 2009 to 2017 Dr. Tešić was a senior research scientist @ Mayachitra Inc. From 2004 to 2009, Dr. Tešić was a Research Staff Member at IBM Watson Research Center, NY. Dr. Tešić received her Ph.D. (2004), M.Sc. (1999) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA, and Dipl. Ing. (1998) in Electrical Engineering from University of Belgrade, Serbia. Dr. Tešić served as an Area Chair for ACM Multimedia 2019-present, IEEE ICIP and ICME. She has served as Guest Editor in a Special Issue on Collaborative Tagging of Multimedia, in IEEE Multimedia Magazine, July-September 2008 issue, and as a reviewer for numerous IEEE and ACM Journals. She has authored over 50 scientific papers, her work has been cited over 3200 times, and she currently holds 6 U.S. patents: 9,710,760; 8,738,695; 8,032,539; 7,958,068; 7,818,329; and 7,707,162. Her research has been sponsored, by DoD, DoE, NSF, TxDoT, and the industry. She is an IEEE senior member.